ARSoft.Tools.Net - C# DNS client/server, SPF and SenderID Library
AaaaRecord Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by AaaaRecord.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorAaaaRecord ConstructorCreates a new instance of the AaaaRecord class  
Public Properties
Public PropertyAddressIP address of the host  
Public PropertyNameDomain name (Inherited from ARSoft.Tools.Net.Dns.DnsMessageEntryBase)
Public PropertyRecordClassClass of the record (Inherited from ARSoft.Tools.Net.Dns.DnsMessageEntryBase)
Public PropertyRecordTypeType of the record (Inherited from ARSoft.Tools.Net.Dns.DnsMessageEntryBase)
Public PropertyTimeToLiveSeconds which a record should be cached at most (Inherited from ARSoft.Tools.Net.Dns.DnsRecordBase)
Public Methods
Public MethodToStringReturns the textual representation of a record (Inherited from ARSoft.Tools.Net.Dns.DnsRecordBase)
See Also


AaaaRecord Class
ARSoft.Tools.Net.Dns Namespace



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